Friday, May 31, 2024

Highlights of Highlights

Today's the last day in the DR! It's bittersweet to think about leaving our new and freshly rekindled friendships, while also very much looking forward to more consistent air conditioning. I will miss our nightly devotions where we reflect on the day and hear about others' days. These have been very impactful times where we wrestle to make meaning of the day's events. There are gratitudes, sadnesses, praises, and humor shared during these times.  The last couple of nights, I've been collecting headlines of each person's highlight of the day. I would like to share some of the highlights of our highlights from this week. 

Frank is great. 

That's how salesmen work.

I know you don't have a filter, but will you pray with me anyway?

A good dad.

I did enjoy the banana, yeah.

The chicken is pleased by the church.

There were some challenging children- Do you not understand Spanish??

She's got big pee-pee on her. 

I met Maximus Reyes!

Teaching David how to say squeeze.

Family on the motorbike with all the things.

Little kid voice "Bwebwedah" is their name. 


You've got to encourage the children.

Paul lead a birthday song for Julie.

Chased by cows. 

Water station teach-back.

Listening to Mike's highlight.

Connecting with moms at VBS and the happiness a pencil pouch can cause.

I planned my highlight today.

Duck shirt commentary.

Fanning friends.


What about the focaccia torture?

Is that a hot dog? Are those french fries? That pizza needs some ranch.

It's all on the record.

The dentist was pulling teeth right next to the blood pressure station and the numbers were definitely higher today.

A 2 year old girl won a mango-eating contest.

I pin-balled into the stove.

Celebrating graduations on the walls of homes.

I want to take Eddie home with me.

VBS was like perfecto. 

People wanted to pray with towels on their head and a hand placed on their head during the prayer.

Fun with bubbles. 

A toddler girl urinated in front of the toilet instead of in it. Maybe we should clean her feet?

You missed a spot here on the nail.

Relating to brown Jesus and Avatar Jesus.

Teachers sometimes force-feeding anti-parasite medicine.

Interpreters impressively speak three languages.

Can we pray for you? I've been looking forward to that part. 

We lost Teresa briefly, but then we found her. Which is good, so now we get to come back next year. 

We will probably quickly forget some of the contexts of these quotes, but the camaraderie shared by them will continue. The meanings of these events will persist in our memories of our time together in the DR this week. Thank you to such a great team this week. We are grateful for such a wonderful church that went on this trip with us in hundreds of different ways. We read our letters last night and loved seeing Trinity's encouragement and love. Thank you to our prayer partners this week. Thanks to Him who loves and encourages us all and called us all together.

- Hannah Bowers

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