Saturday, May 25, 2024

Day 1 - Hey Hannah, where does this go?

    Today we spent a majority of the day cleaning the medical closest. For me I was mainly taking medication and writing the expiration date with big numbers on the bottle. Then it would be sorted into what the medicine was used for. Finally, it would be taken to the medical closet where it would be put into storage; however, when we arrived yesterday we discovered that the medicine closet was a disaster. There was medicine and suitcases all over the place, and water had gotten into the medical closet, so it smelled like mold and mildew. Therefore, our first task was cleaning the medical closet, then putting medicine into it. Now, at the end of the day, the medicine closet is looking very clean, and mostly filled. 

Christopher Woodard

 PS - The day was spent continually asking Hannah about different medicine types, what it treats, and what box it goes in.  Hence, we heard "Hannah, where does this go?" a lot.  

     Some of the other small things we did today included visiting the hospital and some trips to JUMBO. The hospital looked much more complete then it did 5 years ago. The first 3 floors were completely done, and the fourth and fifth floor were in progress and looking good. The guys started our days off by taking a trip to JUMBO where we bought about 20 tubs for storing the medicine, and some other smaller things. Then, after the hospital visit most of us went to JUMBO to buy small things like snacks. Most of us went to Bon, a frozen yogurt shop, which was pretty good. Finally, we ended the night by finagling a cake out of the kitchen ladies.

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