Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Day 3 in the Dominican

The construction team had another full day of work at the school site.  We continued painting the interior and exterior walls making it start to look like it soon will be ready for students!  Some of the crew also began moving gravel to level out the school grounds. The best part of the day was watching our fantastic youth and college students enjoying playing with the local kids.  The kids love playing kick ball, wrestling, chasing each other, and just having fun being the center of attention! 

- Bill

VBS was fun as always. Orderly, loud, but orderly. We distributed medicine (and suckers for the children that took their medicine), then relocated to the batay's school for the lesson, activity, and snack. The school's principal along with Estella, the translator for VBS, helped us control the children long enough to accomplish our mission. The children learned about King David and his rise to power, and also about his son Solomon. The children seemed to be quite intrigued with the story, and some of them even intertwined the story with their craft; which was making and coloring a paper plate tambourine. We then passed out juice and crackers and ended the day by giving all of the children a knapsack which they all loved.

- David

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