Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Day 3 - 3/15/16

Today was a good day.  After an awesome breakfast of eggs, bacon and croissants, we divided into our assigned teams for construction, water purification, VBS and medical clinic.  This is my first trip to the DR so everything is new to me.  Today, I helped with the medical clinic.  We saw 55 very patient patients before lunch.  It started to rain, but they waited in the rain when necessary for their chance to see a doctor and/or dentist.  I think I will think twice before complaining too much about a few minutes wait at my doctors.  I was assisting Mike Boersma and Jonathon Oliver (have to be specific since we have 3 Mikes and 2 Jonathans with us) at the blood pressure station where I got to hold a tiny new baby as her Mom was being checked.

VBS was located at the same Batey Peligro.  It was very muddy so we witnessed the flexibility Glenn preaches in action as soccer was played in the mud and crafts were prepared on the bus.  The rain also caused a change of plans for the construction crew.  After a morning of mixing cement and hoisting it to the third floor of the school near Ebinezer Church, they were forced inside to do cleanup work on the second floor.  The water purification crew successfully installed 20 water filter systems in homes today, demonstrating how to maintain the system and praying with families in each home.

This week is very busy at the mission house as they host about 15 groups.  We are getting to know new folks from Schreiner University in Texas as they work with us at each project site.

Thank you so much for all your thoughts and prayers.  I think it was mentioned before, but I'd like to say again that the goody bags and sweet notes of encouragement and promised prayers mean so much to me and others here.  Thanks!

Melinda Melton

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